Safety and Security

Your items are insured by the Royal Mail Special Delivery service

  • We use Royal Mail Special Delivery which means your parcels are trackable and insured for up to £750. You can request more than one bag if you think your items may be worth more than this. Just get in touch the day you make your pack request by emailing [email protected] or calling us on 020 4572 1471.

    You are provided with a receipt as proof of postage and the parcel will be signed for upon receipt so you know it reached us safely.

We take payments through Stripe

  • We only ask for payment for shipping returns when there was less than 10g of precious metal in the original parcel. We take these payments through Stripe, a multinational financial services platform who specialise in taking payment safely and efficiently.

We make payments through Wise

  • We bank with the global technology company Wise, so we pay you using Wise commercial APIs. This is the safest and most efficient way for us to transfer money to you but we need your bank details to do this. We request this information only when you have agreed to our offer.

Physical Security

  • Our offices are covered by 24 hour CCTV monitoring and the business park has a 24/7 security team on site.



Email: [email protected]

Phone : 020 4572 1471

Location Address : 4th Floor, 24 Old Bond Street, London, W1S 4AW is a trading name of Gold Exchange Direct Limited, company number 14378142, ICO registration number ZB738866 is a trading name of Gold Exchange Direct Limited, company number 14378142, ICO registration number ZB738866